Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What's new?

I really need to break this habit of posting every few years.  It seems I haven't done as much traveling as hoped.  It's weird how everything else tends to get in the way of my travel plans.  Let's see how this year goes!  As winter in North America slowly transforms into spring there's a lot going on around the world.  I just read about a new kick-starter company, Gomi, turning previously non-recyclable plastic waste into new recycled products.  That's awesome!  i'm still working on my music.  Plans for my third album are well underway with at least twelve new tracks ready for the studio.  Check-out my current self-produced albums on BandCamp at and join my VIP club.  Your membership will support my music projects including next album and live shows, maybe even a tour this year.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Honorable Judge Wendell Arthur Garrity Jr.

As a city kid who grew up in Boston, Massachusetts I've always had lots of friends from different backgrounds and many cultures.  Lately I've been thinking about things going on in the world and where we're going.  I realized that one of the most important people in my life had faded into history.  His name was Wendell Arthur Garrity Jr. RIP.  I never knew him personally however, his judicial reasoning, legal decisions, and ultimately his orders had a profound impact on my future.  I'm not going to go into the details I'll just leave a link to his Wikipedia page and you can learn about him for yourself.  The purpose of this post is to say thank you to the most important judge that I didn't get a chance to meet and thank in person.  His order to desegregate the Boston Public School System is the reason that I now have friends across my country and around our world today.  Oh yeah, and besides my parents he is most likely responsible for my success.

This is the Global Village and we all live here together.

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 2015 is going down as a sleeper in global politics and science.  While many expected a changing of the guard in Canada's national elections with the new PM Justin Trudeau and his party sweeping the polls for the win, and a new majority in Parliament.  However, the world was caught off-guard with the almost unanimous decision by Mexico's Supreme Court that set an international precedent where the "Criminal Chamber of Mexico's Supreme Court of Justice ruled that the prohibition of consumption and cultivation of cannabis for personal use is unconstitutional, voiding five articles of the country's principal narcotics statute, the General Health Law. The court found that prohibition of cannabis consumption—or of cultivation for non-commercial purposes—violates the right to "free development of the personality," enshrined in Article 19 of the Mexican Constitution." 

As a former student of Global Studies and International Affairs, and a self-proclaimed jet-setter I commend the Court for confirming the principles of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" championed by the late First Lady of the United States, Mrs. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt decades ago who would be proud of Mexico for continuing to champion human rights.

On an even higher plain no pun intended "NASA's Swift Spots its Thousandth Gamma-ray Burst.
GRBs are the most powerful explosions in the universe, typically associated with the collapse of a massive star and the birth of a black hole."  This significant milestone coincides with the quest to prove Einstein's theory of general relativity because it is theorized that "gravitational wave observatories will detect the first ripples in space-time, a phenomenon predicted by Einstein's relativity theory." Source:

 This is the Global Village and we all live here together.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Better Connections!

Blogger has https and now you can make a secure connection to my blog.  That's a benefit in case you are concerned about connecting to unsecured sites.  Meanwhile I've released my second album titled "To See The World."  Visit my site at to stream the title track and "Night World" plus see what else I'm doing these days.

Global Village.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Play It To The Bone!

The first week of June and it's getting hot.  Today I went down to the beach.  It's in the 80s and the water is perfect.  It's been almost a year since my last post.  I've got to break this pattern, my last post was about a year after the one before it.  Obviously I'm pretty busy with life, and not getting out of the country much.  That's about to change.  The tracks for my debut album "Play It To The Bone" are complete.  The next step is to get the album mastered, and that's gonna take money.  But, with the tracks recorded I can focus on promoting the album and performing live.  Actually, I do get out of the country a lot in my music.  My fan base is growing internationally faster than in the USA.  That shouldn't be a surprise since there are more people in the rest of the world.  Some of my biggest fan numbers are from Japan, Canada, Israel, UK, Brazil, and Germany, as well as all over Latin America and Europe.  My top internet sites where you can stream my music and other stuff are , , , and check them out now for some free downloads.  Check out my new music video at  
help me make it go viral.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


It's been almost a year since my new career as an independent artist began.  I've written many songs and composed a lot of new music.  For the past few months I've released most of my new tracks on my ReverbNation site at where fans can listen to my tracks and discover the latest news about my music, and performing.  Since this is my Global Village site I invite you to post about my music and tell me what is popular where you listen to music.  As an artist I create new music inspired by my experiences.  Things I learn about world cultures gives me new ideas for music.  I'm pioneering a new area of social research, music inspired and created by globalization.  Worldfusion is one of my main genres.  Electronic, my primary genre, is perfect for creating new music with worldfusion.  Visit my ReverbNation site and listen to my latest track "Super Moon," and tell your friends too.  Also, check out the links on the right column to find out about Beat Making Lab, a music project that I support.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Next Chapter.

The next chapter in my global journey follows my new career in music.  As I continue to explore the world of globalization I am writing songs and composing music.  You can find my latest release on my artist page at and please tell me what you think of the music that I'm creating. Maybe, someday I'll play gigs in your town.  For now, I am actively working on promoting my music in the Boston area, on the east coast USA.  If you're in town or online ( please make a request to play my tracks WRBB radio  Northeastern University.  I just submitted my debut track to their station.  They are one of the hottest college radio stations in the USA.